RoofTech have recently completed a local project involving the replacement of the existing double skin asbestos-cement roof sheeting and redundant smoke ventilators using new Kingspan insulated composite panels to Building Regulation standard, providing an Ultimate panel warranty with 40 year Coating, 25 year Thermal, Structural and Fire performance.
A combination of a new fully insulated roof covering and the client’s heating system has already created a noticeable improvement in the internal working environment, suddenly the cold winter weather heading our way doesn’t seem quite so daunting!
Concrete gutters were relined using a high performance coating system and both front & rear elevations over-clad using Metallic Silver sheeting and contrasting Anthracite flashing details to further enhance the overall appearance of the building.
Roof before
Roof after
Cladding after 1
Cladding Before 1
Cladding before 2
Cladding after 2